Monday, June 17, 2013

REI Yard Sale

Last weekend I attended my first REI yard sale and let me tell you, besides all the great deals, it was nothing like I expected. Regardless of showing up several hours early to get a good spot in line, once the clock hits 10 o'clock its every man for himself! There was no method to that madness.
So today I've come up with a few tips to make your shopping trip a success if you're interested in hitting the next yard sale.

1. Get a membership: if you don't already have an REI membership you need to have one in order to shop at their yard sales. It's only $20 and you get 20% off your first purchase!
2. Get there early: people show up several hours early  to get the best deals. I suggest you take your camping chair, coffee, and a good book because it'll be a while.
3. Leave your kids with the sitter: if possible try to leave your kids with a babysitter. If you're busy chasing the little ones around the parking lot, the next person is already keeping mental tabs on the gear they want. Plus it's not fun for the kids to have to wait. Believe me I learned the hard way!
4. Make a list: if you already know what you're looking for it's extremely helpful to have a list. If you have someone going with you you could spit the list to make it easier. Someone could look at the backpacks while the other is looking for tents.
5. Grab n' Go: Just go for it! Grab what you can and decide later if you really need it. While you're contemplating in your mind, someone has already walked away with all the good stuff. ( This one guy got a kingdom 6 tent for $90!! What a steal!)
6. Read the tags: sometimes the merchandise was returned for a reason and once you buy it there are no returns. a lot of times it's something bought and never used so make sure you read the fine print.
7. Have fun: in the end we walked away with some good deals and it was fun camping out in the parking lot. Makes for a good story around the campfire.
I hope these tops are helpful to you. If anyone had anything to add please leave a comment I'd live to hear it!
( in case you were wondering I found two sleeping pads and a coffee pot at the last sale for less than $50! Not bad.)

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